Tag Archives: shaman mother

Looking for Love

We have online dating services, social media, and other ways of connecting to a potential partner, but many people still feel lost and lonely. Why does one feel so alone in the world?People come to see me with a variety … Continue reading

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Why do we Crave?…..

Why did I eat that box of chocolates, drink too much or overeat again? Craving comes in many disguises.  Most of us associate this craving with food, alcohol, shopping, drugs or sex, but it is present in many other areas … Continue reading

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Let my Love open the Door

Peter Townsend’s song” Let my love open the Door” is on my top 10 of favorite songs.It’s a reminder to all of us how shining love opens up our heart.Love is a state of BEING.It is not something that we … Continue reading

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It’s a wonderful world!

Thanksgiving is just days away and it’s a wonderful American tradition that started right here in Massachusetts with the Pilgrims and Native Americans.  Sometimes when things are difficult, we forget how much we already have. Years ago I worked with … Continue reading

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Healthy is wealthy!

Do you know that over forty million Americans are on anti-depressants and another 80 million are unable to sleep at night? America the beautiful has become a place of sad and depressed people, who feel that the only solution is … Continue reading

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