Moment of Surrender



Do you feel like life is one big struggle?  There is always some inner or outer conflict that seems to be upsetting our inner peace.  The lists of obstacles are endless: money, health, jobs, relationships, traffic, weather and so on.  I had a client come to me recently and tell me how tired she was of the struggle.  I decided to tell her this story.  A man discovered a chrysalis on his property one day.  Observing the progress of the metamorphosis fascinated him.   But after a period of time he watched helplessly as the caterpillar was struggling to be free of her encasement.  He felt sorry for the struggle and decided to assist the butterfly.  He ripped opened the chrysalis and the butterfly dropped into his helping hand and then died.   My client looked at me and asked what are you trying to say to me?  The man thought he was being kind ending the struggle of the butterfly, but the truth is that the struggle was giving the butterfly the opportunity to develop strength so it could truly fly.

Sometimes in our own life when difficulties arise, we have an opportunity to gain wisdom and inner strength from these obstacles.  If we resist, then it will persist.  This is called the ‘moment of surrender.’  It’s a powerful consciousness.  Please do not confuse it with giving up.  Surrender is an active choice to no longer be a victim; always keeping in mind that we create our own realities.  If you want your life to be different, that you must change how you perceive your experiences.  Trust the process of your experiences.  It’s all perfect for your soul.

Be bold, be brave, be the butterfly!

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