Enough is enough

Time Magazine

The recent controversial cover of Time magazine with a young, blonde mother nursing her three year old son created waves of media attention.  But besides the image of a three year attached to his mother’s bare breast, what caught my attention was the caption :  “Are you Mom ENOUGH?”

How many of us man, woman and child have had this word – ENOUGH – dangling over your head like a noose?  Constantly pondering the question, “am I enough?”


Am I rich enough?                  Am I thin enough?                  Am I successful enough?

Am I smart enough?              Am I educated enough?        Am I attractive enough?

Am I happy enough?             Am I liked enough?                Am I doing enough?

Am I healthy enough?           Am I talented enough?          Am I big enough?    


This cycle of enough is endless; once the mind continues to compare and measure yourself with others, your self-esteem is caught in the web of illusion.

A couple of weeks ago, I held in my arms my first grandchild.  Tears fell as I admired the beauty of this perfect child.  My prayer for her is that she always knows that she is very loved and is enough.  This is my prayer for all of us.

 “He who knows that enough is enough, will always have enough”

– Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tzu

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