Walking on Sunshine


Rainy week here in New England and you can see on people’s faces that the lack of sunshine is bringing them down. I use to feel the same way, until I realized that I always have a choice to feel differently.  Why would I allow the weather to affect my inner sunshine? This past week I put on my bright yellow rubber boots humming my favorite song by Katrina and the Waves…”Walking on Sunshine.” Wow, I immediately felt brighter.All of a sudden, additional positive thoughts rushed over me:

  1. How lucky we all are in New England just to have some rainy days versus what some people had to experience in Japan.
  2. Ah……rain is good. It moisturizes my skin.
  3. I don’t have to water my flowers.
  4. I can write more because I won’t be distracted by the siren call of sunshine.

Life is like a large menu with lots of options, but the choice you make on how to react is yours.  If you choice to be gloomy acknowledge that it’s your choice.  The moment we all become self responsible, we can then realize that no person, place or thing can make us feel any which way.  It is our mind judging and categorizing.  Remember the old expression that the only difference between a flower and a weed is a judgment.  I love dandelions…they are bright and sunny! What is your choice?

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